Egg Free Vegan Pancakes

Pancakes in our house are not just for Pancake Day but a Sunday morning ritual.

When Justine started following a vegan diet I wanted to prove that making vegan equivalents is possible and easy. I have been reading up on the science of baking and decided to try out a few recipes to get the best pancakes ever! This took a few attempts but now our pancakes are a much talked about subject, especially by our nieces and nephews.

We enjoy having a variety of toppings and provide a large selection when guests stay over. We have ventured past the traditional lemon and sugar. Fresh raspberries are great hit and we also use frozen berries simply heated in a pan. Justine often goes for peanut butter, vegan chocolate spread and sliced up banana. I enjoy a good syrup with pecan nuts and dried fruit. Agave syrup is a great low GI alternative to Maple Syrup. It’s also cheaper and has less sugar so compared to maple syrup it’s healthier for kids.

This vegan recipe makes a gloopy smooth batter. There is no need for eggs as the gluten in the flour is enough to make the batter hold together. We have tried this pancake recipe with other alternative milks. Almond milk has given us the best results, followed by soya milk. We tried with oat milk but found it is too sticky to make pancakes with.

Makes: 10 (depending on the size of your pan) Prep: 0 hrs 5 mins Cook: 0 hrs 15 mins


  • 200g Self raising flour
  • 400g almond milk
  • 2 tsp dark brown sugar
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil


  1. Place the flour and sugar into a bowl
  2. Slowly add the almond milk and whisk continuously until you have a smooth batter
  3. Whisk in the oil
  4. Heat up a non-stick pan to a medium-high heat. It can take a few minutes to get the pan to a good temperature
  5. Either use a ladle or transfer the mixture int a jug and pour a circle of mixture into the middle of the pan
  6. Lift the pan and make the mixture run into a larger circle. Place the pan back on the heat
  7. Once the mixture looks set flip it over (I use a spatula). It should only take around 30 seconds on each side to cook
  8. Transfer to a plate and enjoy responsibly
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