
Our new obsession is Bamboo, and here’s a few reasons why. It’s really good for the environment. It takes a lot of carbon dioxide out of the air. It grows very fast (some bamboo can grow 91cm in 24 hours) making it easy to replenish the harvest. It grows on every continent* and you can pretty much make anything from bamboo making it versatile and easily accessible. But the most impressive element about bamboo is it’s a great alternative to plastic.

Here’s a few things we’ve used bamboo replacing our usual plastic.

1. Coffee Cups

These are easy to wash and carry round with you. They also don’t cost a lot depending on what pattern.

2. Cutlery

We travel a lot for work so it’s hard for us to find cafes with wood cutlery. We can whip these beauties out and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. They even have chopsticks and a straw.

3. Toothbrushes

We went through a plastic toothbrush every 2 months, it was damaging the environment more than we realised. We found bamboo toothbrushes at boots and online, the quality is just as good and they are degradable.

4. Coffee flask

This flask is fantastic for carrying the morning coffee, it keeps it really hot. Or if you’re a tea lover you can wack a tea bag in, let it stew and have a lovely cuppa.

5. Flooring

We had to replace flooring in our sitting room and hallway, having looked at lots of options we came across bamboo. It is such a beautiful colour and even though bamboo is technically not wood it is considered part of the hard wood flooring family. So it’s fantastic for energetic pets and children jumping up and down.

6. Kids cups, bowls and plates

We bought these for our nieces and nephews, they come in different colours and are just as sturdy as the plastic ones. They clean really easily and quickly.

Read more on what bamboo can do about CO2

*Apart from the Artic and Antarctica.

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